Saturday, April 2, 2016

When In Georgia

This is P.J.'s sister. I'll be updating this blog for PJ whenever I get photos or updates from him.  I know that he made a movie of our drive from PA to GA, but I'll post it later. The drive was fast, uneventful, and beautiful. Redbuds and the very invasive Bradford Pear were blooming along the sides of the highway.

The further south we travelled, the greener everything was.

We got into GA on Wednesday, March 30. We learned that there would be severe storms on Thursday March 31, so we spent the day hanging out around town. P.J. picked up the last of his supplies (Bear Spray!!!), and then we obviously had to eat at a local Bar-B-Que

Just a small part of the Pig "Hill of Fame" - an ad campaign run by the restaurant.

Ribs, Pulled Pork, Beans, and Mac and Cheese. Goooood Eats. PJ was happy for a few meals like this before months of camping food!

The Pig Hill of Fame


Welcome to the Taj-ma-hog
After gearing up and chowing down, we went back to the motel where PJ made some final preparations with his pack. PJ's mom and sister both tried on the pack, too. It was huge, but surprisingly light. PJ did a great job getting ready for the more night and he would be off!

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