Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 13 - Camping Solo

From PJ:

I'm at the NOC - The Nantahala Outdoor Center. It's a pretty cool place. They've got a lot of kayaking and stuff, and a little restaurant.


PJ has to hang his food up in the tree - to keep away raccoons, rodents, or BEARS!!!!

It's Wednesday night, I just set up my spot right here on this trail. I got my bag up, I'm all by myself. There's nobody that way for a long time- til the outdoor center. There are no shelters between and no shelters on the other side of this for like two miles. So I just camped here. Camping solo tonight. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully, I think the bears are all still sleeping, so I'm more worried about the mice than anything. 

Oh, and somebody left a 20 dollar bill on this plaque, which I'm assuming was trail magic. Anyway, I'm 20 dollars richer...


Since PJ is hiking in some undesignated place, I'm just going to do my best guess...

Days Hiking - 13
Miles hiked today: 17.4
Elevation Gained Today: 3909 ft.
Total Miles Hiked - 143.1

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