Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 22 - Hot Springs

From PJ:

I made a video, I'm gonna send it to you when I have wifi. There is a wildfire on the trail right now. We are resting in Hot Springs right now, so hopefully it will be under control soon. It is raining pretty good right now, so that should help, but the next 20 miles of the AT are shut down.

[For breakfast] I ate a lot, but nothing compared to the two guys I ate with. This kid Fritz put on a show. I wish I had a picture, but I was charging my phone.

Had to poop in a toilet today. Feeling less manly already.

This is what I dream about on the trail

I'm going to do a video fo the hostel I'm staying at, but it is really cool. It's a house from the 1850s. Patriot and I are actually staying in the room Earl Schaffer stayed at in 1948 and 1998 when he through hiked the AT. Earl Schaffer is the OG of the AT. Like the Babe Ruth of hiking.

Earl Schaffer
We have a sweet porch off our room, too. We're just hanging out - watching the rain.

[The break - because of the fires] is cool. A lot of hikers are stuck in town because the fire. Everyone is just hanging out.

I'm not exactly sure [when the fire will be controlled]. I can see and smell the smoke, but all the information I've been given is just word of mouth. I was told the ATC already came out and said that we can skip that section and still be an official through hike. I was told it may be up to a week before it opens.

Last night we could see planes flying over super low, and we were wondering what it was all about. My guess it that they were a part of the fire crew. Even after the fire is out it can still be closed because there may be a lot of downed trees and stuff.

I'm glad we booked our room yesterday because all of the hostels are full now.

I'm not sure if you can see, but there are burnt trees up there

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