Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April 5 - Keeping the Creepers Away

From PJ

It's PJ. It's April fifth. Nice scenery. I did Blood mountain yesterday. That was tough. Coming up and going down. But right after you come down, I went to Mountain Crossings, which is like a hostel, but they have a store with all sorts of stuff. Hiker stuff, food, and all that stuff. So, I got a new water filter. I bought a bunch of snacks cuz I'm finding out you've got to eat a lot of food out here. Eat more than...I kind of get sick of eating, but they say we're burning almost 6,000 calories a day. So, I gotta keep eating food.

But that place was cool. Someone actually, I went in line to get some snacks, and some guy bought them for me. The trail magic stuff which is pretty cool out here. A lot of people hook you up with free food and stuff if they know you're through- hiking.

But that was cool, so, we stopped at Mountain Crossing, and we kind of hung out there all day. And then just made camp about a mile and a half away. When I started today, I lost my buddy, "Lion Heart," her knee was hurting uh just for a couple days. She's gonna rest up and try to get back out.

There was some creepy guys at our camp last night who were creeping her out, so I stayed a little late at camp until they left. 

But that's about it. I've been hiking since about 9. Which is actually a late start for usual. We usually get up about 7. But, today's been really nice. It's been cold and hot. I'm sweating now, but I was freezing this morning. I've gone back and forth between my jacket on and off. But right now - sweating.

Really happy to see Villanova won. That was awesome. I had enough service where I watched the clip of the last 12 seconds, so that was really cool to see. I'm gonna keep moving. I'm headed to the Low Gap today. A little over 10 miles. Yeah, miles are still tough to come by. Once I get to a little further north, we'll be going more miles. Probably 20 miles a day.


Starting at Neel's Gap

Ending at Low Gap


Days Hiking: 5
Miles Hiked Today: 11.5
Elevation Gain: 1,533
Total Miles: 43.2

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