Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 24 - Alan Gap

From PJ:

So yeah, we had to shuttle out of Hot Springs up to Alan Gap. That whole section will be shut down for at least another week. There were rangers at all the entry points, so we couldn't even stealth hike through.

We walked about 12 miles to Jerry Shelter. The guy doing trail magic came and told us about it after we had made camp so we walked about a mile which was easy without our packs. I ate three burgers which were super good. This guy and his wife lugged a bunch of food up there which was pretty awesome.

Oh, and that was not "Big Butt Mountain" yesterday. I was mistaken. But we will be hitting that tomorrow. 

Hot Springs was really cool though, a lot of the people I'd been camping with were able to catch up so we have a fun little crew now. Had an awesome omelette today at a hostel which was a really cool place. Patriot and I were the only ones to stay there out of our group, everyone else stayed at the laughing heart hostel which apparently was awful.

I was able to buy a new filter and ordered a battery pack that I will pick up in Erwin, TN on Tuesday. 

Chandra and Mom both sent me some money which really helps. Some of the places can be really expensive, so I really appreciated that. I was able to take more videos and photos today, but I didn't have good enough reception to send them out. Anyway, gonna try to do 21 miles tomorrow. My shins were hurting today, but hopefully I'll be good to go tomorrow.

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