Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 19 - Lot's of Rain - A quick update

From PJ:

I still haven't had much service, but I'm on top of some mountain. Rain, rain, and more rain. Luckily it hasn't been downpouring much, but the sun has not come out since last Saturday. 

Still hiking with Patriot and still getting in decent miles. Will hit 700 this afternoon. Been really tough terrain. The trails are either very rocky or muddy so I've been hiking for about ten hours a day to keep a good pace.

Also, yesterday my foot got caught on a root, so I tore a hole in my shoe and fell in the mud. Broke the tip of my trekking pole, too. Don't want to make it sound all doom and gloom, though. Spirits are still relatively high, but it has definitely gotten tougher.

Going to Daleville on Saturday which is very exciting. By then it will be 17 days since the last time I slept on something dry - let alone a bed. Really looking forward to it.

This tree was massive. Keefer Oak.

Dismal Falls

Anyway, I gotta get back to it. Hopefully I can check in more often, but we'll see if I have service. If not, I definitely will on Saturday.

Live Shot

Dragon's Tooth

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