Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 20 - McAfee Knob

From PJ:

[The Video] - McAfee Knob

That's McAfee Knob from the other side. We're well into the 700's now, but there was no marker yesterday which was kind of a bummer.

But at least the weather is better. Still overcast, but drier.

[Still traveling] With Patriot. The rest of our crew partied in Damascus too long and are 3 days back.

We've met up with other cool people, but we're putting in good miles right now, so we won't stay with them for long. They can't keep up with us. haha!

May 19 - Lot's of Rain - A quick update

From PJ:

I still haven't had much service, but I'm on top of some mountain. Rain, rain, and more rain. Luckily it hasn't been downpouring much, but the sun has not come out since last Saturday. 

Still hiking with Patriot and still getting in decent miles. Will hit 700 this afternoon. Been really tough terrain. The trails are either very rocky or muddy so I've been hiking for about ten hours a day to keep a good pace.

Also, yesterday my foot got caught on a root, so I tore a hole in my shoe and fell in the mud. Broke the tip of my trekking pole, too. Don't want to make it sound all doom and gloom, though. Spirits are still relatively high, but it has definitely gotten tougher.

Going to Daleville on Saturday which is very exciting. By then it will be 17 days since the last time I slept on something dry - let alone a bed. Really looking forward to it.

This tree was massive. Keefer Oak.

Dismal Falls

Anyway, I gotta get back to it. Hopefully I can check in more often, but we'll see if I have service. If not, I definitely will on Saturday.

Live Shot

Dragon's Tooth

May 16 - Weirdo

From PJ:

I haven't had reception lately and used up my data. Tomorrow I should be able to send out some stuff.

I'm at mile 648.

Some weirdo just put his hand on my tent thinking I was someone else. I almost stabbed his hand.

May 13 - Trent's Grocery600

600 Miles

From PJ:

That [600 mile] picture is from this morning. I'm at Trent's Grocery right now.

This is where I just took a shower and did laundry.

I'm not sure if I am any cleaner, but my clothes are dry and they had hot water.

This is where I set up camp. Trail days is going on right now in Damascus, so there is no one on the trail.

Trail Days is a big festival. I may go tomorrow. Patriot's parents are in town so they can give me a ride in and out. Damascus has a population of 900, but during trail days there will be 30,000 people going through there. I'm sort of up in the air about going.

It's going to be packed. It's also going to be hard to get in and out of town without spending a lot of money. But there will also be a lot of free stuff and just about everyone is going to be there. We'll see how I feel in the morning. If I go, it will be my first zero day. (As in zero miles)

May 12 - 599 Miles

Mile 590

[From Catania - I texted PJ about an article I saw online - where a hiker was attacked by a bear at Great Smoky Mountain National Park]

From PJ:

I got water from that shelter [where the bear attack happened] and was told there was a bear there 15 minutes later. People were throwing rocks at it and it wouldn't go away.

A lot of people have seen bears, but I'm still waiting. I'm a mile 599 right now and I had to stop because it was raining too hard.

I'll hit [600] early tomorrow. I'm only going to do 11 miles or so. I'll stop at Trent's Grocery at mile 608 where I can do laundry, shower, and resupply.

[I'm feeling] Relatively fresh I guess. I mean everything hurts, but I'm still able to do some decent miles. Got 20 in today.

Also - Dad will be proud to know that I ate a hot dog with relish and mustard for the first time in my life yesterday.

Mostly my feet hurt. Ankles, shins, knees. My back only hurts in the morning from sleeping on the ground. Everything aches, but it's kind of how I expected. I wouldn't call it a good hurt but it's nothing structurally wrong. I basically feel like I've walked 600 miles up and down mountains with 40-50 pounds on my back.

Plus, for the last 2 weeks, everything has been wet.

I still haven't had any really blisters. My feet were pretty calloused to begin with.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 11 - Rat Snakes

These rat snakes are everywhere.

May 9 - Atkins, Virginia

Trail Magic

Old-school school...

From PJ:

People from a local church drop stuff off here: soda, snacks, and a lot of other stuff. I got tissues, wipes, and chapstick.

I'm in Atkins, VA and just another awesome burger.

I'm officially 25% completed on the AT.

May 8 - Marion Virginia

From PJ:

I'm in Marion, Virginia today. It was pretty easy hiking. We did 19 miles in Less to Partnership Shelter, and some local dudes gave us a ride into town.

We had these dogs with us most of the day. They hiked about 30 miles away from home. We just gave them back to their owners. They were just pups. 6 months old. Spot and Gus.

I saw about 30 horses yesterday.

They are kind of wild. The ATC looks after them, but they just roam free in the Grayson Highlands and poop everywhere. They help maintain the bald.

I even saw one do his dominations on another. I was already videotaping, and he just started dominating...

I am at a real mom and pop joint right now. I mean, literally. The husband cooks the food and the wife waits on tables. There is no staff.

May 7 - 500 Miles

500 MILES!!!

Not much to report from PJ other than he's hiked 500 miles...This makes me think of a classic 90s tune...

May 6 - Weather

It's springtime on the Appalachian Trail. PJ is experiencing all types of weather...

Hail on the Appalachian Trail

From PJ:

Rough weather today. Experienced pretty much every type of precipitation there is. Rain, sleet, snow, and hail.

I'm alright. I got into my tent and set up. Changed into dry clothes, so I'm feeling warmer. I'm around mile 494. Was planning on going to Thomas Knob Shelter, but stopped short, and I'm glad I did. It started hailing right when I set up my tent. But it's not as snowy down here - which is why I stopped.

Tomorrow should be good, though. I will hit 500 miles and should see some wild horses. Today I just saw some dingus cows.

Dingus Cows

It's pretty exciting. Even with the bad weather, I'm still having an awesome time.

When I first saw the snow I was really excited, and it looked really cool on top of Whitetop Mountain, but once my feet started to get wet, it wasn't as fun.

Friday, May 6, 2016

May 5 - Breakfast

From PJ:

Sausage gravy and biscuits, bagel with cream cheese and lox. Perfect combo.

I accidentally celebrated cinco de mayo yesterday - Huevos rancheros for breakfast, a burrito for lunch, and another burrito for dinner.

May 4 - Virginia


From PJ:

I brok out of camp before 5 AM and cruised into town. Did 10 miles in 3 hours. The terrain and elevation were super easy. About to eat up!

Huevos Rancheros. Sooooooo good. Homemade salsa and everything.

Staying at the Hiker's Inn. Guy has 2 Vanagons!

[FYI - If you didn't already know this - PJ's family grew up with a Volkswagen Vanagon. It was dark brown. I (Catania) believe we got it in 1986. 

We had it for many, many years (like 26 or so) until it finally died. No, we didn't let it die. For many years, we had it serviced any time it broke down. The engine had been rebuilt. My mom drove that thing everywhere. 

Then, one December, a family of squirrels built a nest in the engine. When my step-dad started it up, KABLOOIE!!!!

This little side-note cannot even cover the emotional attachment we have to Vanagons. So - yes - PJ and all of his siblings all get pretty stoked when we see/hear/smell one...]

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 3 - Burritos and Newts

From PJ:

I made these burritos the other night - with cheese, rice, and beans.

Bob Peoples' jokes...

Foggy Day 

A little orange newt.

I almost crushed this guy by accident. It was a tiny little dude.

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2 - Watuga Dam

From PJ:

Hey. I'm at Watuga Dam. I have really good reception here, so I'm gonna send some pictures.

This video shows where we camped last night.

I came down these stairs. Really sketchy.

A waterfall.

Flowers on the trail - my best guess is that it's a Pink Shell Azalea

This storm (above) is on top of me right now. Super windy.


Only YOU can prevent forest fires...
This is Catania: When PJ sent me this picture, I asked him, "Uh oh...was this fire caused by lightning?"

From PJ: Sadly, no. Someone actually did this one on purpose.

I heard they caught the guy.

It was black for a good 3-4 miles on the trail yesterday, and today we hit another patch of burned woods.

May 1 - Bob Peoples

From PJ:

I'm talking to Bob Peoples right now.


So I found out today why everyone talks about Bob Peoples. He was cool when I met him and had good stories, but the section of the trail he maintains is by far the craziest yet. Not too physically demanding, just dangerous. Tons of rock stairs, walking on a ledge on the side of a rushing river. Just crazy stuff. Today was also the best scenery I have seen all hike, too. I took a ton of pictures, but I don't have the signal to send them all out.

This was much steeper than it appears. I walked down these the same way mom walks down the stairs. [backwards]

Sunday, May 1, 2016

April 30 - 400 Miles

See Ya...

From PJ:

Should be hitting 400 miles in about 2 hours.


Watching grown men take selfies makes me feel really good in my decision never to take a selfie.

400 MILES!!!
Rewarding my feet.

This water is actually freezing. I'm basically just sitting on this rock in the middle of the stream.


This snake was underneath me this whole time.


Also I found out that I saw a flying squirrel way back in Georgia. I had no idea what it was at the time, but I saw a picture, and it definitely was one.

This is NOT the flying squirrel PJ saw...But it is eating pizza, so that's cool.

They [flying squirrels] look weird. Almost like a lemur. It wasn't flying when I saw it, but I could tell it was something different.

Bob Peoples - this picture was NOT taken by PJ. Catania found it online.

More from PJ:

So there's this guy - Bob Peoples - who is another trail legend. Anyway, on this shelter I passed, it had a bunch of quotes about him written on it - similar to the most interesting man in the world commercials.

Like, "Bob Peoples once was bitten by a snake. Sadly, three days later the snake died."

And my favorite, Bob Peoples sleeps with a pillow under his gun."