Thursday, June 30, 2016

June 29 - Wallkill Reserve

From PJ:

This is the bear I was in a standoff with yesterday. [She is peeking through the woods in the left/middle side of the picture]. She was daring me to pass.
Had to do some rocky night hiking tonight.
Too bad I didn't have this mushroom at the time. I could have doubled in size and jumped on her head. Problem solved.

[Catania: that's an awesome mushroom! Superpowers!]

Yeah. It was yummy. Made me feel a little strange after eating.

I've seen a lot of mushrooms out here, but too scared to try them. Some look just like protobellos or shiitakes, but I'm not gonna find out.

Wallkill Reserve
I saw so many deer in this area - Wallkill Reserve. I was trying to get a photo of a blue heron, but it flew away.

June 28 - Little Guys and Big Mamas

From PJ:

Little Guy

She [the bear] is definitely aware of my presence.

I keep trying to pass, but she is still there. Don't see the cubs.

She's off the trail just laying down. I really don't know what to do. I can't tell if she's just baiting me or what.


I'm in the clear for now. I ended up bushwhacking through the other side of the trail. Which was just as scary.

[Catania Asked: Did you have a machete or something?]

Trekking poles and rocks. Made it to the road safe...for now.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

June 27 - 1300 miles

1300 Miles!
I really wanted to knock all of these down.
I'm awesome at trail magic. I took 6 of these.

From PJ:

Ugh. I thought I was done with the rocks, but I guess not quite yet. Hopefully soon from what I hear - by tomorrow I should be through them. They have lightened up somewhat compared to PA, though.

I just [lied in the sun] about an hour ago. Just laid out on the top of Mt. Kittatiny. There was a nice breeze, so it wasn't too hot.

June 26 - Delaware Gap, PA

From PJ:

Camping outside a church in Delaware Gap, PA - a few hundred yards from the Jersey border. Never thought I would be so excited to get to NJ. Goodbye rocks.

I didn't break anything, they're [his feet] are super-sore. I've been on the roller rocks most of the day. From what I hear, I should be done with the rocks tomorrow morning.

Lots of trail magic and restaurants this area, though. I haven't had to use my cookset or water filter in a week.

The rocks hurt but they also suck becuase they slow you down so much so it's even worse.


I'm camping outside of a church where an AA meeting just got out. Some really interesting characters out here.

June 25 - Palmerton Superfund

Blackberries today

From PJ:

This [above picture] is from last night, but this was the scariest part of the trail so far. This picture doesn't do it justice, but I had to pull myself up this rock with nothing to plant my feet on. Hard enough by itself, but sketchy with a pack on. I had to collect myself because my legs were shaking.

Nice view though... :

That was Palmerton superfund. Not exactly sure what that means, but I guess they mined for zing or something.

I kept calling it super-fun until I had to climb it.

June 24 - Wild Berries

Wild Blueberries...Yummy
They're everywhere!

June 23 - The Trail

From PJ:

This is what the trail has been like the last few days:

It's funny. Right after I texted you that, the trail smoothed out and the sun came out. Also ran into an unexpected restaurant and had a burger. This is home for tonight.

[Catania told PJ about a person she met who through-hiked the AT a few years ago - trail name: Wildebeest.]

That's a sweet nickname. Sometimes I wish I had a different trail name because the further north I go, there are less people who think I look like him. (Myself included).

This lizard's tail is bright blue.

Rattlesnake Skin

Pulpit Rock

The song "Dreamweaver" goes through my head when I look at this photo. (above)

June 19 - Clyde Miller's Famous Tongue

June 17 - Fluffy

From PJ:

Clyde has become very fluffy since I've been gone.

[Since PJ was at home, he had good wifi. Here are some things he sent from earlier on the trail when he didn't have good signal.]

June 13 - PA

From PJ:

Definitely in PA now.

Boiling Springs, PA. Really nice little town.

And very flat, too. Probably the easiest hiking of the whole trip.

June 12 - The Ice Cream Challenge

From PJ:

Did the half gallon challenge today. 


Also ate 2 pancakes, 2 eggs, toast, bacon, and a biscuit an hour before.

Rex should like hiking. Kicking up all this dirt gives you a lot of boogers.

I also ate a hoagie today, too. [8 pig emojis]

I'm in PA now, so it was an official hoagie.

Patriot's parents have been awesome. They insisted on paying for all our food. Last night we went out to dinner and feasted then more of the same today. Felt awesome to sleep on a bed, too. My feet are feeling much better today. Only did 11 miles.

His dad was very excited about me eating a half gallon of ice cream, too. He took a ton of pictures.

June 11 - Halfway! 1094.55 miles Complete!


From PJ:

Set out to do 27 miles today. Ended up having to do almost 30. Into the 1100s now, and my dogs are barking, big time. Patriot's parents are visiting and got us a room at the Super 8 in Carlisle, PA.

About 100 [Miles PJ will hike before going to stay with Mom.] I'm gonna to try to coordinate with her tonight or tomorrow, but will probably meet her next Saturday. I'll take 2 full days off there.

June 10 - Mason / Dixon Line

June 9 - Harpers Ferry

From PJ:

I made a new friend
I'm going with this scale
I'm at Patriot's Aunt and Uncle's house right now. It's been nice. I took a shower, and they've been feeding us non-stop. They live only 10 minutes from the trail. His Uncle is telling us stories from when he did geological work on Antarctica for the Navy. Pretty crazy.

He is very proud to have taken a dump on every continent.

He also hiked the AT in the 80s and keeps busting our chops for all the modern gear we have.

I'm in Maryland, by the way. I'll be in PA tomorrow.

We are living pretty cushy this week. I will actually be sleeping indoors 3 out of 5 nights.

June 8 - Turtle Power

Turtle Power

June 7 - Mi Degollado

From PJ:

Weighed myself at the ATC in Harper's Ferry. 180 lbs. I was between 215-220 when I started. Probably closer to 220 after all of that bar-b-que [in Ellijay, GA - before starting the hike.]

The diet itself is to eat as many calories as you can.

Just wear a 40 lb pack and walk up and down stairs for 8-10 hours a day.

Another Turtle for Rex
I'm at a restaurant called Mi Degollado, so I decided to look up the word degollado, which means, "to slit one's throat."

It is also a town in Mexico.

It maybe [a front for El Chapo], but the food is good, so I'm happy.